"Hari Raya" celebration is not complete without the "open house" event where people come to visit your house, eat up all your foods, make a mess and then leave. Last Saturday, it was my housemate, MTH's open house. I was among the first to arrive there because I need to go to another open house (my cousins's). A lot of people flock to his home during the first 1/2 hour after I arrived there. They were MTH's sisters friends (he got 2 sisters). A few minutes after that, 3 people arrived which is also my housemate, Shuji, and 2 of our friends, Donnie, and Virus (their real name are private and confidential). We waited for about 1 hour for the next batch of people to come. Talk about life, huh.
It seems like the house is being invaded by MTH's sisters and their friends so while waiting for our turn to invade, we chill at MTH's porch. If you look closely, you can see some jar with chips inside. It is really delicious and you will know more about it later. So what is so special in MTH's house that people want to stay there for so long ? His house is actually a karaoke place in disguise. Luckily we have our own university (MMU) karaoke champion, Mr. Pepeto to save us some pride against UTP (the place where MTH's sister is studying at).
So back to the jar of chips story. About 3-4 persons finished up 3 jars. Okay, I got to admit that I'm one of the criminals. It is actually a traditional-like chip but with a different flavor. The one I like is the pizza-flavored chip !
" Its time to rest ! "
Throughout the open house, it was raining heavily and I ended up staying there. Called my cousin and said that I won't be coming to his open house. LOL. After the karaoke session, we stayed there because Buster and Virus wanted to watch their idols playing (Liverpool...) which managed to score 3 goals but the final score is 2-1. Go figure ! Anyway, I would like to thanx MTH for inviting me to his open house and also thanx for the delicious chips which you have provided for us. I hope next time MMU will conquer his house first before UTP.
. Liverpool 2 - 1 Neverton .
. amira choo kawaiii kunai .
. selamat hari raya .
. y . n . w . a .
ooo kenduri without zed. fuckers
HAHAHAHAHAHA once again without zed? HAHAHAHAH sian zed gg frenship? tapi......
Oh lelebih lak Is.nak gambar tunang aku ni apa hal.kang aku TK ko kang :))
Antabax dah slim sikit lah... pheewittt.. kes kes kes... (chillis k!!)
Antabax dah slim sikit lah... pheewittt.. kes kes kes... (Hassan's Cafe k!!)
i tak slim ? :( HAHAHAHAA
cheih, asal menang ek..
where are u ley ??
zed hilang edi.
don kena reject ambek gambar sudey.
hahaha, biasala (mana ade slim -_-)
nie sape plak nie
slim slim ..
sape sial kene reject amik gambar HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Nora danishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh T________________________T
donny la !! dgn kawan adik mth, lol !
manager tak bagi sudey !
Selamat Hari Raya yah, although it's late a bit haha. But I think you must be busy with your Raya that's why now only post up those Hari Raya pics and news right. Next week Deepavali already LOLX
Habis sebalang kerepek. Pro liao.