I have searched around the net and found the screenshot below that shows an infested Terran creating havoc in a Marine's Facebook page.
Scary ?
Hehehehe, it was a joke, don't need to be serious, okay ?
[ via College Humor ]
I have searched around the net and found the screenshot below that shows an infested Terran creating havoc in a Marine's Facebook page.
This is the most common strategy for the Terran race and can be considered the backbone for almost all Terran strategies. It was proven to be the most successful strategy against Protoss and eventually, Zerg as well. The 1/1/1 means that you will need to build 1 Barracks, 1 Factory and 1 Starport for starters. After that, you can proceed to build additional Barracks or Factory (or any buildings that you like).
If you have found this post intentionally or unintentionally, then I'm pretty sure that you are into Starcraft 2 right now since it's the current hottest game from Blizzard. Shokz (the creator of the Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide) has created an awesome video to be shared with all gamers.
For all KOF fans, the upcoming game does look nice and it will be on PS3 and XboX360 (yeah, arcade also). Take a peek below to know how the game looks like.
Have you ever tried stealing before ? A PSP maybe ? You don't wanna be a thief but let say you are in a wrong state of mind and want to steal a PSP, make sure the owner is not some big shot for example, a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) wrestler.
I got to admit, I am addicted to the character sniper in Dota All-Stars. Though I haven't played the game for quite some time now (close to 7 months), the memory of using Kardel is still fresh in my mind. Kardel is a long ranged, stealth-like character and this is why I lurveee him so much.
Its rare to see a sporting brand such as Adidas to sponsor an e-sport organization. Well, what I can say is that Adidas did a good job by sponsoring Meet Your Makers (MYM).This is because, well, MYM is a strong organization with an excellent track record especially in Warcraft III and Dota All-Stars (a mod for Warcraft III).
[ from MyMYM ]
You can't deny it. Wii is so popular among the kids and girls. Their latest addition, the Wii Fit, is goin to be huge especially with the girls and not forgetting guys who are just too lazy to exercise outside (like me). Let say you have a girlfriend, you will definitely want to buy her the Wii Fit. Why ? Watch the video below and you will understand what I'm trying to say here.
Watch the video below and ask yourself, is any gamer like this in your life ?
4 Malaysian teams managed to reach the playoffs preliminaries. Out of the 4 teams (Ftz-, Ks, DmNe, [Vs]), only Ks managed to reach the playoffs finals.