I wonder is botak (bald) is the new fab now. Beckham is bald, again !
Does he want to look as good as Vin Diesel ?
Or perhaps our own Mawi ??
Well, think again, perhaps, like our own rap superstar, Joe Flizzow from Too Phat ?
Anyway, Britney Spears makes sure that she is not left behind !
And the latest addition to this fab, our own cutey Sharifah Amani !!
No !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even my housemate, MTH, is now bald !!
Is 'Botak' (Bald) the In-trend now ?
written by Antabax | 10:00:00 PM | entertainment | 20 comments »A fellow blogger, Mun, has wrote about the anti-smoking campaign where he shows some ads about smoking effects including one from Malaysia in his Fitness blog. Here, I want to discuss things you can do to counter those effects from happening to you, fellow smokers. Its hard to quit smoking especially for gamers who play dota. When your character die, you will feel the urge to light a ciggie especially if your spawn time is 50 secs ++. Damn true.
The first ad, 'Smoking is Addictive' shows that the fingers that are holding the cigarette is damaged or burned. This is theoretically not true. Even if you smoke for 10-20 years, your fingers wont become like that. For safety measures, wash your fingers everytime you finish smoking. For example, when youre at your office, when you go out to smoke for awhile, make sure after that you wash your hands. By doing this, your hands will smell nice and your fingers wont turn out to be like the ones in the ad (which is impossible anyway).
The next one, 'Smoking Harms Unborn Babies' is a quite tough one to handle. Basically, when you are pregnant, its obvious that you need to take good care of the life you are carrying. So you need to take extra food so that the one inside can have its share of nutrients also. Anyway, at this stage, keep yourself busy with exercise, shopping, knit some sweaters or something, so that you can minimize your smoking. Just keep in your mind that after the baby is born, you can smoke like usual. Keep it up and you can manage it. In return, the baby will turn out ok and you still can smoke like usual.
'Smoking causes Peripheral Vascular Disease' is actually not that frightening at all. It says that smoking can damage your blood vessels. If you think about it, there are a lot of other things that can damage your blood vessels and rarely that it was caused by smoking. To counter this effect, eat a lot of food that contains a lot of nutrients especially vitamins (vitamin E is a must). This is to make sure the blood circulation in your body is flowing smoothly so that it can prevent any damage to the blood vessels.
The next one, 'Smoking causes Blindness'. I must admit that I've never heard of this before. Wudda ? Even if its true, just eat a lot of food that can help to improve your eyesight especially carrots. Heck, nowadays even if youre blind, you can go do the laser treatment and tadaaaa your eyes will be back to normal. If you damage is according to the notes on the ad, at the back of your eyes, just get an operation and fix it. Problem solved.
The second last one is 'Smoking causes Heart Disease' and the main problem of this one is the infamous 'Heart Attack'. Anyone can get heart attack. If you live a stressful life (always die in games like dota) then you might have a better chance of getting heart attack. By smoking, you can ease you tension and pressure. To counter this, make sure you have a balance life. You need to exercise atleast once in two days. You can either jog or swimming. Basically, exercise that involve your heart. Trust me, if you do get a heart attack, its not by smoking (if you follow my advice and exercise).
The last one is 'Smoking causes Mouth and Throat Cancer'. This is true if you dont take care of your teeth. Brush your teeth atleast twice a day. Three times is better. When you wake up, after your lunch (after lunch and smoke preferably) and just before you sleep. This will clean your teeth and mouth. You must also need to drink a lot of water throughout your day to clean your throat. Do this and your teeth will stay nice and healthy including your throat.
Lastly, if you take a look at the ads, it will sure frighten you atleast when you want to light the cigarette but take a look at the ad from Malaysia (my country) below. I'm sure you will just laugh and smoke away.
This is just a fiction article wrote by the author. The author is not responsible for anything that happen to you if you follow whats written above. Take care and yes, smoking is dangerous to your health. Good game.
What is happening to our world ? Hence, Malaysia itself is becoming more strange and weird. For now, everyone must already know that Kuala Lumpur has been flooded with a lot of casualties reported. Geez, with the new 'SMART' tunnel, things like this still can happen. Recently, a peeping tom has been caught. This peeping tom is a clever and a high tech person. He installed several spy cam in the bathrooms at his double-storey house in Taman Bullion Mewah, Jinjang. For god sake, the man is even married and have two kids. Come on. You don't need all this. I hope he will learn his lesson in jail. His action makes me think twice everytime I want to download some new clips on the internet (I hope you can figure out what I meant). Damn.
Anyway, there is another weird thing I want to share here. This dude on the left just drove his car straight into the swimming pool of a condominium in Puchong Perdana. OMG ! This is so crazy. According to the driver, it was raining heavily and he couldn't see where he was goin. He managed to get out of the taxi as it was sinking. Rain or no rain, it's rare to hear a vehicle that end its journey in a swimming pool. Piece of advice, know your surroundings before you proceed to drive.
To read more about the 'Peeping Tom' and 'Taxi Swimmer' click here and here.
Apparently, there is a new contest by Intel. Its a dance contest called 'Multiply my Life'. Its basically like this, you will dance your style and the organizer will fuse it with Intel's TV commercial. To win this contest, votes from the public will be counted and one of the ways to vote is by voting online. One of my frens from secondary school, Fariz @ baburs joined the contest without knowing he did. This sounds weird but the point is he joined it. The video clip above is him doin his slick moves. Anyway, I wonder why the organizers didn't focus on his legs. Thats a bit waste man. Anyone want to support him can vote for him at the Intel 'Multiply my Life' website. His video will be posted on the website around Monday, June 11th that is today. Bwahahahhahaha, good luck man.
The website for the contest is located here.ABS knock !out out from MYM Pride #6 at first round
written by Antabax | 10:07:00 PM | gaming | 12 comments »Here I want to report on the game, ABS vs !out from the Pride #6 tourney. ABS clan members are from the family guild, tDs which I pledge my blood and soul to. They managed to perform well and win the first round in the tourney. Let me start the review. ABS team members are bayrong (viper), Suran-kang (venomancer), Iszem (qop), h4tsumei (zeus) and Yuriina (spectre) while the !out team members are Paladin_Knight (silencer), Tehkai (tinker), Reginaldc (lina), Domesky (warlock) and FlaminChar (sand king).The game starts with ABS goin the traditional way of 2 top (veno, viper), 2 bottom (zeus, spectre) and 1 mid (qop) while !out is using the quite common way of 1 top (silencer), 1 mid (tinker) and 3 bottom (lina, warlock, sand king). The game starts off with each team defending their lane while creeping and denying till the 6th minute (6:30), !out managed to get first blood when they caught zeus offguard and kill him. Zeus died again around the 8th minute. Then the game proceed and the next kill comes from ABS where viper killed warlock and zeus killed sand king. Team !out tried to back stab ABS around the 18:00 minute but they failed to add their tally. After that, 10 secs before goin to the 19th minute, viper with the help of qop managed to
kill silencer. The viper take an aggresive stance
by goin behind the tower at the top lane. With a bit of teamwork at the bottom lane, ABS managed to kill 2 of the !out members around the 20-21st minute. Later on, tinker got invi and proceed to bottom lane with warlock and they managed to kill zeus (23:25). Few seconds after that, !out tried to kill viper at top lane, but viper got help and managed to counter the attack and killed sand king but then tinker came a bit later and help silencer to kill viper. At the 24th minute, QOP managed to get diffusal. Later on, team !out again tried to ambush ABS and this time, they managed to kill zeus. The game proceed and you can see that no one is stoppin spectre from farming at the bottom lane. At the 34th minute, viper got his BKB and silencer got his mekanasm. ABS tried to gang bang tinker but he managed to teleport back to base only to get killed by zeus's ulti.
Around the 39th minute, you can see a few kills here. It starts from sand king killed venomancer and the other ABS members come to fight and later sand king died from venomancer poison with the help of qop's ulti. Then warlock managed to kill qop with its healing/damage skill and shortly after that, spectre with his newly bought radiance, teleport near tinker and lina and finishes them both.
This is the most exciting part I guess for this match. At around the 47th minute, team !out tried for roshan. In the middle of it, one of team ABS members spot them and ask for back up. ABS ambush !out at the roshan's spawn area and qop managed to do a triple kill there and then qop managed to kill another one thus the triple kill appeared again. His frag shoots up from 0 - 1 to 4 - 1 in just a few seconds. Later on they proceed to push mid lane and viper killed silencer while spectre did a double kill, killing warlock and tinker but then died with the tower. They managed to get 1 rax but zeus need to sacrifice his life for it.
Later on, ABS got the 2nd rax in the mid lane and after a series of push at the top lane, they managed to get inside and finish off the rax. After that, they went on and destroyed the 2 towers guarding the throne and the game ended after the throne is destroyed (1:02:25).
Overall, I salute ABS for their performance. They rarely did any mistake and their aces, viper, qop and spectre did a good job on farming. Throughout the game, you can see that team !out is underlevel. The turning point of the game is when ABS ambush !out near roshan. From there we can clearly see who will win the match and ABS did it just right. Congratulations for them and good luck for the second round.
Click here for mym ABS's page and click here for mym !out's page.
For the Asian, Australian + Mixed Qualifier page, click here.
Download the replay here.
More Dota All-Stars tournament updates, The inDota Cup !!
written by Antabax | 7:12:00 PM | gaming | 1 comments »From ingame.de community, here comes a new Dota tournament, the inDota Cup. The inDota Cup is a 5v5 tourney. It will take place from the 8th of June to the 11th of June.
The Tourney will eliminate the losers and the winners will advance until Semi-Finals where the best of 3 games will be chosen to pick which team will advance. The mode will be -ap draft and the version will be 6.43b. The whole tourney will be using the single elimination rules where once you lose, there is no more chance to participate. There is a limit of 64 teams who can sign-up. The first, second and third round have already been played on Friday the 8th at 20 CET, Saturday the 9th at 15 CET and Saturday the 10th at 18 CET. Quarterfinals will be played on Sunday the 10th at 15 CET. Semi-Finals will be played on Sunday at 18 CET and the Final will be played on Monday the 11th at 17 CET. Currently, the favourite teams that proceed to quarter-finals is none other than MYM.Dota and N! Faculty.
The prizes are :
Runner-up Team: 5 x T-shirts of their choice from Ingameshop.
For more news on the tournament, click here. For the teams that are participating, click here and for the results, click here.