First of all, do you guys know the term 'cosplay' ? For a head start, click here. Its well known that people who love anime (Japanese animation) & manga (Japanese comic), and video games created by the Japanese will involve themself with cosplay. Either they dress up as their fave character to the cosplay event or they just attend it as a normal spectator. This craze has spread almost everywhere in the world where anime & manga is available. This craze (cosplay) also exist in the country where Spaghetti, Pasta, and Pizza is their trademark, Italy. Well how did they fare ? Just observe this particular model from Italy, Francescadani, who specializes in cosplay below.

Nice eyy ? This girl has proven that cosplay is not just for the people from the land of the rising sun, Japan. It is for everyone who are interested in anime, manga, and videogames that comes from Japan. Cosplay also has spread its wings here in Malaysia but it is still in its infant stage. Time will tell if its gonna become a huge craze like it is in Japan.